Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Associate Program Material                              


Discrimination Worksheet



Write a 100- to 200-word response to each of the following questions. Provide citations for all the sources you use.



·         What is discrimination? How is discrimination different from prejudice and stereotyping?


According to our chapter 3 reading, "Discrimination is the denial of opportunities and equal rights to individuals and groups because of prejudice or for other arbitrary reasons." Discrimination is caused by prejudice. Stereotypes are not always bad, and stereotypes are often not discriminated against. It is when prejudice comes into the mix that groups of people can be labeled together in a negative way in which another group of people thinks they should be denied equal rights and opportunities. There is discrimination all over the world but I think it has gotten much better in recent years and people are not thinking so narrow-minded, however, it is still a problem. 



·         What are the causes of discrimination?


There are many things that can cause discrimination and I think one of the worst is learning it from other people. If you grow up in a house with discrimination in it, you are more likely to discriminate against the people who the people around you are discriminating against. Ignorance is another cause of discrimination. If somebody does not know about another culture or type of living, they often see it as different in a negative way. Bad experiences with a group of people can cause people to label them all in a negative way, which is not fair because everybody is different and if you don't give people the chance they deserve, it can lead to discrimination and unfairness.



·         How is discrimination faced by one identity group (race, ethnicity, religious beliefs, gender, sexual orientation, age, or disability) the same as discrimination faced by another? How are they different?


There are many different types of discrimination against many different types of people. Discrimination can be the same but it can also be different. For example, if somebody is of another race than the person who is looking to hire, they are less likely to get a job. On the other hand, the person hiring could even discriminate against their own group and hire someone else who is of a different group. Someone might get bullied for being different, or someone might get denied opportunities because they are different. When it comes down to it, all discrimination is the same; the denial of equal rights. However, depending on the reason a person has a discriminatory mindset, the consequences could be more drastic or hurtful.




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