Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Associate Program Material                              
Diversity Organizations Worksheet
Search the Internet for information related to the following:
·         Women’s rights organizations
·         Equality organizations
·         Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) rights organizations
Note. You may also refer to the Internet Resource Directory of Racial and Ethnic Groups.
Complete the following table with notes and thoughts related to your findings:
This is a great site that has a lot of information about women's rights. There are a lot of articles and activities to search through.
This is a site about equality that has a lot of news and different ways you can take action. It has activities and news for each state.
This site has lots of news from around the world and there are ways you can take action, support their foundation, and read publications.
Use your notes to aid in your responses to the questions below. You may need additional resources from the University Library to complete this activity.
Write a 750 to 1,050- word paper answering the following questions:
·         What has been the status of women in the United States throughout history?
·         What is the status of women in the U.S. today?
·         What are some examples of concepts or constructions of masculinity and femininity that you see in society and in media?
·         Historically, what has been the social status of GLBT people?
·         What is the status of GLBT people in the U.S. today?
·         What are some social and political issues relevant to women and GLBT people in the U.S.?
Provide citations for all the sources you use.
Submit this Diversity Organizations worksheet and your paper as instructed by your facilitator.
            Women have been discriminated against throughout the history of the United States. They don't make as much money as men on average and don't hold as high of jobs in society as men, in general. They have been thought of as being more domestic and taking care of the kids in the past, where as the man would work and make the money. This is something that has been going on for hundreds of years but in recent history, there have been massive leaps for equality with women. In 1966, the National Organization for Women was created (1) and this is an organization that has fought for women's rights ever since. In 1967, President Johnson passed Executive Order 11375 which stated that employers must ensure that all employees are treated equal and they must all have equal opportunities in the company, regardless of race, religion, or gender (1). This was a huge step forward for everybody in the country and it gave many people opportunities that they might not have had before. Throughout the 60's and 70's, there were many laws that were reformed and policies in companies and in society to make women more equal, not only in the work place, but in society. Regardless of all these steps forward, the media still portrays women as domestic with TV shows having the man going to work, and the woman taking care of the kids. They are often portrayed as doing the dishes, being stay at home mom's, and cleaning the house. There are TV shows that show women in a more strong sense, but there aren't near as many of them as the stereotypical sitcom construct. Many sitcoms have this construct even today. Not only do they portray women stereotypically, they often portray men as tough, and rugged. The media portrays men as people who don't cry, who go to work and support the family, when in reality, there are many men who are stay at home dads and who cook and clean. However, there are very few shows that portray this type of male. Most people actually believe in the concept of men don't cry, men do the work, and women stay home and take care of the kids. This has been the layout for a long time, but in recent years many people are growing up not thinking like this.
            Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transsexual people have also been discriminated against in the United States throughout history. One of the oldest laws that was aimed at the gay community was called a "crime against nature" that stated any form of sexual behavior that is considered not natural is a crime. Sodomy is just one of the types of laws that the police could arrest gay people for. In 1903, the New York police raided a gay bathhouse and arrested 26 men and charged them with sodomy (2). They got sentenced anywhere from 4 to 20 years in prison for this crime (2). These laws have since been removed with Illinois being the first state to remove the sodomy law in 1961 (2). Society is much more accepting of the GLBT community today and it is much easier for the GLBT to be more involved and treated equal. Newer generation are much more accepting of the GLBT community and there have been TV shows, movies, music, and other forms of media that portray the GLBT community in a positive light that would not have been allowed before. In 1975, Minneapolis became the first city in the United States to pass "trans-inclusive civil rights protection legislation" (2). I think this is great and it makes me proud to be from Minnesota and have it be known as an accepting place to live. As generations keep being raised with more open minds, they will be even more accepting and treat others equal all over the country.
            Issues that affect both women and the GLBT community are still around the country. Fights for equal rights in the workplace and society are still going on today. In many states it is still illegal for gays to get married which forces them to go to other states to get married and go back to the state where they live, although their native state will still not recognize the marriage. Women still make less money than men, in general, and they still are not holding as many political jobs. Of course there has never been a women president or vice president. There are also many more men than women working in other political positions. However, in the future, just like the GLBT community will become more accepted, women will become more accepted working political and more powerful jobs. Of course there are always exceptions to this, such as Hillary Clinton and Janet Napolitano (Secretary, Department of Homeland Security) but statistically, men hold many more powerful jobs.  
1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_women_in_the_United_States
2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_LGBT_history
3. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_against_nature

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