Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Associate Program Material                              


Diversity Worksheet


Answer each question in 50 to 150 words. Provide citations for all the sources you use.


1.     What is diversity? Why is diversity valued?


Diversity is having a variety of different things. It is important to have diversity because then you can get a lot of different ways of thinking, ideas, and different types of people so you can achieve things from many different angles. The world is a diverse place and it is important to celebrate diversity.



2.     What is ethnocentrism? In what ways can ethnocentrism be detrimental to a society?


Ethnocentrism is judging a different society or culture based on the values of yours. It is important to understand that every culture is different and there are many different values and ways of living. Judging another culture based on how you live, or the values of your culture can make another culture seem negative when really it is just different. This can, and does lead to many things including war.



3.     Define emigration and immigration.


Emigration is the act of leaving your native country to go and settle in a new one. Immigration is to come to a country where you are not native. They both deal with leaving a country to settle in a new one. Immigration is coming into the country, emigration is leaving the native country. Immigrants emigrate from their native country.



4.     What are some of the ways groups of people are identified?


Different groups of people can be identified in different ways such as, race, religion, ethnicity, and gender. These are just some ways that groups of people can be separated from each other and identified as different groups. Groups can go more in depth than that but those are ones that help us identify groups quickly.



5.     Why do people label and group other people?


People label and group people together because it is just a natural thing to do. This way we can distingquish them from different cultures and groups and we can label a group better. Labeling can be a negative thing, but it can also be a positive thing. Using labels helps group similar people that have the same goal, but it can also group people together that shouldn't be in the group. Labeling and groups can also cause discimination and other problems.



6.     Define culture. Is culture limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds? Explain.


Culture is the characteristics of a group of people that includes language, food, social activities, music, arts, and others. There are many different cultures in the world and they are not limited to racial and ethnic backgrounds. There are many people who join cultures that their family is not a part of and that they didn't grow up with. Many cultures spread across the world through many different types of people.





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